Friday, September 29, 2006


Good thing I didn't mock Damo too much I guess.

You are 24% white and nerdy.
How White and Nerdy Are You?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

But the Coke ads aren't even on yet!

They've started putting bloody Christmas decorations up in Queen Street! Christmas decorations! It's September!
Guess I'd better start shopping for presents as I only have three months left. Sigh.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Inappropriate word choices

To all the people who wrote "I wish you a speedy recovery" on the BBC's Have Your Say messageboard for Richard Hammond : maybe you should rethink the phrasing!

All the best Hamster!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Could we not just get rid of Jerry Springer alltogether?

Recommended to me by Pickle:

Damo would like it noted that it wasn't John Cleese but Terry Jones who actually wrote this.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Before dd starts volunteering!

"Batches? We don't need no stinkin' batches!"

Emma wanted to know if I'd get a badge with the title. No I don't, but what I get is better than a badge! Here's a snippet of the e-mail that was sent to the department heads:

I'd like to engage one person from each of your areas, to act as the green champion for each part of the business. This group will be responsible for educating, policing and encouraging everyone around them to adopt a set of behaviours with the aim of reducing our waste and our energy usage by 25% on the previous year each quarter.

See...I get to be the Green Champion! I bet I get a cape.

Yes, I realise it's in the Daily Mail. Still a valid point.

Good lord that Paul Burrell is a muppet.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Wow, that happened fast!

I was sitting at my desk in work today, minding my own business when my boss, Chris, wanders up :
Chris : So, would you say you do your best to protect the environment and encourage others to do the same?
Me : Umm... I recycle...
Chris : Excellent. I'll nominate you to be the environmental monitor.
Me : Umm...

Friday, September 08, 2006

Culture shock

Have decamped to my parent's house this week while I'm still off work. Due to the fact they're having their roof done there is scaffold all around the house. This means that :
a) if there's a fire and we need to get out of the upstairs windows in a hurry we may be in a bit of trouble, particularly me with my back problem and mam with her cracked rib, and
b)we can't get a satellite tv signal.

That's right, I've been cut off from my brain rotting tv watching schedule. The only thing I watch during the day now is Neighbours. Gail is back! I'm expecting Jason and Kylie to rock up any day now.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sarcastic? Moi?

You're Totally Sarcastic

You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.
Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.
And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad.

Child abuse of a different flavour

Mam dug out a load of photos of Pickle and I when we were younger. Note the matching outfits and hairstyles.

Spinoff blog

From a random stranger on yahoo messenger :

random guy: ive got cam u?
me: I have one, not attached tho
random guy: atttach it
random guy: only take a few mins
me: no thanks
random guy: im not that bad
random guy: thanks
me: nothing personal!
random guy: yeh rite
random guy: what u look like
me: have a boyfriend and don't webcam other people
random guy: im married

Which part of this conversation is supposed to convince me? The married part or the "only take a few minutes" part?
I get enough of this kind of exchange that Damo reckons I should start a separate blog of "Oversexed idiot of the day". He may be on to something.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 of crocodiles...

Although I never really watched any of his shows I was gutted to hear that Steve Irwin had died. From what I'd seen of him he seemed like a genuinely decent bloke and obviously loved the animals he spent most of his life around. Conservation has lost one of it's greatest advocates. To all those people whose response to the news is "He deserved it" - shame on you.