Friday, August 25, 2006

Bring back Nick and Jessica, all is forgiven

I have seldom wanted to hit anyone more than I want to hit the delightful teens who are the focus of the MTV show "My Super Sweet 16th". Basically, rich American 15 year olds attempt to bankrupt their billionaire parents by throwing lavish 16th birthday parties. Today's specimen was especially slap-worthy. Her party managed to incorporate

1) a Cinderella theme with the horse-drawn carriage and Prince Charming wearing, I kid you not, the same outfit as in the Disney cartoon,

2) Saturday Night Fever with dancers in the white suits, and

3) Dirty Dancing with that annoying song and the birthday girl getting lifted in the air at the end. I cannot stress how much I wanted her to get dropped during this move.

The thing that bothers me the most though is the fact that I can't stop watching! GAH!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Come on you Stutes!

Histon are off to a great start this season. Wonder who Damo's favourite player will be next match?


Testing Windows Live Writer.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Weird flower

Damo's garden is full of weird looking plants that give out murderous triffid like vibes.
This is one of them. What is it?!!

At least I'm not watching terrestrial daytime TV

I managed to get through an entire year of doing nothing during the day while I was writing up my thesis so how come I'm so bored after 3 days off from work? I guess the lack of mobility is adding to the level of boredom as I can't do much more than watch TV and DVD's or surf the net. Then again that's pretty much all I did for the aforementioned year!

Pretty much existing on a diet of Stargate SG1, 8 Simple Rules and Home Improvement at the mo, thank god for abc1 and Sky One! Boo to the Sci Fi channel for canceling SG1 though! They'd better let them film a wrap up episode or a TV film or something to bring the Ori storyline to a conclusion. They can't leave Daniel as a Prior!
Guess they could move all the team to Atlantis...

Not long till the Fall season of shows starts in the US! New House and Veronica Mars episodes! WooHoooooooooo! No more West Wing though *sniff*. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip looks good, now all they need to do is write Richard Schiff and Allison Janney in as series regulars and I'll be a happy bunny.

Baby's first steps

I'm still lying in a nest of duvets on my bedroom floor after doing something very painful to my back on Monday morning. On Monday I could only slither around the room by holding onto bookshelves, tables and the bed and pulling myself along. Tuesday I was able to get on my hands and knees and crawl for a bit. Today I managed to get to my feet and walk the few steps from the bathroom to the nest...yay me! I should be saying my first words any day now! They'll probably be "Ibuprofen please".

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

role reversal

Damien : We might have to go to town on Saturday for present shopping.
Me : I don't want to go shopping, I want to go to the football match!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Smoke signals?

How did people ever arrange to get together and do things before e-mail and text messages?
Trying to organise a few days in Dublin at Damien's parents house and a long weekend with Chris, Ryan and Martin. Ryan and Emma have decided to emigrate to Canada later this year so it would be good for us to catch up with them before they go off to commune with mooses. We also want to get to them before they start talking only in French.
The fact that Damo and I are far too lazy and too good at procrastinating to decide on dates to go to Ireland is enough of a hurdle. Throw in the juggling of 7 people's schedules and it gets messy very quickly.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

No random sparks please

Today's bad smell is coming from the kitchen. Fortunately I know what it is. Unfortunately it's gas.
No explosions though and it's all gone now. Can't have turned the grill off properly after Damo and I made garlic and ginger pork chops. Food was very tasty though, must make it again sometime. Without the gas course obviously.

Now watching "The Doctor Dances" again. Hee! He's totally sonic'ed up. Only a couple of months til Torchwood starts up. Yay!

Currently reading : Ffawd Cywilydd a Chelwyddau - Llwyd Owen and American Gods - Neil Gaiman.
Currently listening to : "Are you my mummy?".

Friday, August 11, 2006

Decaying flowers

So there's an odd smell in the bathroom. I'm trying to work out if it's the carbolic soap, the bleach, the toilet disinfectant block thingy, the air freshener or an unholy alliance of all four. My solution? Whack some stronger smelling lemon bleach stuff down all the plugs, chuck a Harpic fizzy cleaning thing down the toilet, open the window and hope it doesn't all combine to form a toxic vapour that will drift merrily out the window and down the row of gardens, dissolving all the clothes on the washing lines as it passes.