I have seldom wanted to hit anyone more than I want to hit the delightful teens who are the focus of the MTV show "My Super Sweet 16th". Basically, rich American 15 year olds attempt to bankrupt their billionaire parents by throwing lavish 16th birthday parties. Today's specimen was especially slap-worthy. Her party managed to incorporate
1) a Cinderella theme with the horse-drawn carriage and Prince Charming wearing, I kid you not, the same outfit as in the Disney cartoon,
2) Saturday Night Fever with dancers in the white suits, and
3) Dirty Dancing with that annoying song and the birthday girl getting lifted in the air at the end. I cannot stress how much I wanted her to get dropped during this move.
The thing that bothers me the most though is the fact that I can't stop watching! GAH!
Ever thought you need to get out more? :-P
I know! Unfortunately, one of the side effects of having to lie on the floor all day every day is that you start watching anything and everything on tv to alleviate boredom. I even watched an interview with Justin Timberlake yesterday. If my back isn't fully operational soon I'm going to have to gouge out my eyes to save my sanity.
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