The next mystery is - What the hell is a Passion Flower doing growing wild in a Cambridge garden? Must be that global warming jackie I keep hearing about.
On a sidenote, I get a lot of hits on this page from people googling the term "weird flower" so this post should increase my google juice :-)
On a completely unrelated topic : why does msn hate me so? It will pootle along in the background quite happily when I don't need to talk to anyone, but the second, and I mean the VERY SECOND, I see someone log on that I actually want to chat to it goes and crashes. No amount of troubleshooting followed by repairing will make it work again until it decides it is good and ready. Which is usually just when I'm going to bed for the night. Sigh.
As long as you don't blame me for it.
I still think that flower's a pod person.
Damo: MSN, the flower or global warming?
Ang: They've made the flower look a lot less scary and triffid-like on the bottle. Soft-focus, perhaps?
I thinj it's cos it looks a lot flatter on the bottle. You can't tell that it has sticky out bits that are just waiting to attach themselves to your temples and suck out your brains.
Also the lilac colour of the bottle lulls you into a false sense of pastel induced security. Don't trust it for a second!
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