Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"Batches? We don't need no stinkin' batches!"

Emma wanted to know if I'd get a badge with the title. No I don't, but what I get is better than a badge! Here's a snippet of the e-mail that was sent to the department heads:

I'd like to engage one person from each of your areas, to act as the green champion for each part of the business. This group will be responsible for educating, policing and encouraging everyone around them to adopt a set of behaviours with the aim of reducing our waste and our energy usage by 25% on the previous year each quarter.

See...I get to be the Green Champion! I bet I get a cape.


Anonymous said...

And you probably have to dress in green lycra and tights too! I think a badge would have been better! :P

gorbash78 said...

Oh dear. I resign.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'd look good in green lycra, tights and a cape! You'd be a true superhero then, matey! ;-)

Think of all the trees you will be saving!!!!!

Anonymous said...

But will she be able to stop the Siberian permafrost melting after being frozen for 40,000 years, and releasing all that methane into the atmosphere? Maybe she could come up with a way to catch it all and use it as fuel instead of North Sea gas (or wherever we get it from these days).