Monday, September 11, 2006

Wow, that happened fast!

I was sitting at my desk in work today, minding my own business when my boss, Chris, wanders up :
Chris : So, would you say you do your best to protect the environment and encourage others to do the same?
Me : Umm... I recycle...
Chris : Excellent. I'll nominate you to be the environmental monitor.
Me : Umm...


Anonymous said...

LOL.. uhm.. congrats?! Do you get a badge?!?!

Damien said...

Do they know your farts contravine the Kyoto accord?

Anonymous said...

You want to watch out for sneaky bosses. I was volunteered to be Health and Safety Jackie by a certain Mishi./

That's not quite as funny as if it had been Damo ;)

Damien said...

Who's been in A & E more often in the last year? ;-)

Anonymous said...

The last year is not in the relevant time-frame.

Damien said...

Handy that.