Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Baby's first steps

I'm still lying in a nest of duvets on my bedroom floor after doing something very painful to my back on Monday morning. On Monday I could only slither around the room by holding onto bookshelves, tables and the bed and pulling myself along. Tuesday I was able to get on my hands and knees and crawl for a bit. Today I managed to get to my feet and walk the few steps from the bathroom to the nest...yay me! I should be saying my first words any day now! They'll probably be "Ibuprofen please".


Anonymous said...

LOL, so how soon before you're out of nappies? You're such a toddler ;-D

Yeah.. so I need to work on my sympathy!

Damien said...

As long as the dreaded teenage years don't happen this weekend...

gorbash78 said...

Soooo unfaaaair! I haaate yooou!

Damien said...

Oh dear. I may have to stay in Cambridge. ;)

gorbash78 said...

You can't. I need someone to make me cups of tea to speed up my recovery.