Sunday, August 13, 2006

No random sparks please

Today's bad smell is coming from the kitchen. Fortunately I know what it is. Unfortunately it's gas.
No explosions though and it's all gone now. Can't have turned the grill off properly after Damo and I made garlic and ginger pork chops. Food was very tasty though, must make it again sometime. Without the gas course obviously.

Now watching "The Doctor Dances" again. Hee! He's totally sonic'ed up. Only a couple of months til Torchwood starts up. Yay!

Currently reading : Ffawd Cywilydd a Chelwyddau - Llwyd Owen and American Gods - Neil Gaiman.
Currently listening to : "Are you my mummy?".


Damien said...

No boom today? Boom tomorrow, there's always a boom tomorrow.

gorbash78 said...

Could we please not tempt fate? Please!

Damien said...

If your own gas hasn't blown up the kitchen, I think fate has already spoken ;-)

gorbash78 said...

Very true.