Tuesday, September 26, 2006

But the Coke ads aren't even on yet!

They've started putting bloody Christmas decorations up in Queen Street! Christmas decorations! It's September!
Guess I'd better start shopping for presents as I only have three months left. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

I want a pony!
And a bicycle.
And a train set.
And Kaylee.
Thank you Santa Ang.

Anonymous said...


Just wait until shops start playing Christmas tunes!

Santa Ang, eh? You're gonna trade in your green superhero costume for a santa one? :D

does this mean we also get to sit on her knee? *snickers*

Anonymous said...

Do I have to get more popcorn?

gorbash78 said...

There will be no sitting on laps and no ponies!
I sense you've both been bad children this year.

Damien said...

So bad it's good children?

Anonymous said...

Ooo... but we can have a TARDIS, right? You didn't say no to that...

hey! Wait a minute, where's this proof I've been bad?! I've helped you loads of times.. Santa.. that should make me GOOD! :-P

gorbash78 said...

No. Just "goto your room without any supper" type bad.
And there will be no time travelling vehicles in the stockings either! You'll get a Terry's chocolate orange and be grateful!

Anonymous said...

I'm a dog; I'm allergic to chocolate.

gorbash78 said...

Now now dear,you shouldn't put yourself down so much.