Thursday, September 07, 2006

Child abuse of a different flavour

Mam dug out a load of photos of Pickle and I when we were younger. Note the matching outfits and hairstyles.


Anonymous said...

Awww so cute! So if your sister is nicknamed Pickle.. what's yours? :-D

gorbash78 said...

I have many!

Damien said...

She who must be obeyed?
Oh my goodness will the pain never end?

She does indeed have many.

Anonymous said...

She's in my phonebook as BLZBUB

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Oh my goodness will the pain never end? That's certainly.. uhm.. interesting :-P

Anonymous said...

So, I can see the BLZBUB thing, but why Pickle?

gorbash78 said...

It's a reference from Spaced and Shaun of the Dead.