Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
Stork central
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Christmas Cracker
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Weird Flower Revisited

The next mystery is - What the hell is a Passion Flower doing growing wild in a Cambridge garden? Must be that global warming jackie I keep hearing about.
On a sidenote, I get a lot of hits on this page from people googling the term "weird flower" so this post should increase my google juice :-)
On a completely unrelated topic : why does msn hate me so? It will pootle along in the background quite happily when I don't need to talk to anyone, but the second, and I mean the VERY SECOND, I see someone log on that I actually want to chat to it goes and crashes. No amount of troubleshooting followed by repairing will make it work again until it decides it is good and ready. Which is usually just when I'm going to bed for the night. Sigh.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Happy Birthday to Me!
Two years to 30...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus

OK, so the luckdragon in the book was white...perhaps this one is it's Welsh cousin.
While I'm on a photp jag - I took this one two weeks ago in Queen Street:

Yes, that's a Christmas tree light decoration thingy. Yes, it was put in place at the beginning of October.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Triumphant Bells
On the other hand, the next song it played me was Coldplay. Sigh. Where's that Ban button...
Monday, October 09, 2006
It should be Private Transport
/end rant
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Medium size, hold the tassel
This involves a huge pink bra being transported to all 51 branches of the Society throughout Wales and the borders with money being collected along the way. The initial plan was for money to be put in the bra itself as well as the collection tins and the wording in the intranet article was "there are money slots in the bra – and like a surgically enhanced harlot's bra – we want it overflowing".
This however turned out to be a problem as loose change gets to be quite heavy in large amounts and the bra was only made out of foam. The tactics were revised to the bra just being used as a device to draw in the crowds while those of us who weren't strapped in to a support garment rattled collection tins.
Our shift took place on Tuesday afternoon in Cowbridge, a fairly affluent village outside Cardiff. Lots of schoolkids around when they should clearly have been terrorising a supply teacher or something. Most of the older boys would womble past and make comments along the lines of "bet you feel like a pair of tits" to the guys manning the bra. We would try and remain dignified so as not to tarnish the good name of the Society. However, after the 5th or 6th similar comment Ant and I both started muttering "This is the closest you're going to get to a bra for a few years yet" after the little Wilde wannabes.
The younger kids were more amusing. One group of 10 or 11 year olds were standing about 10 metres away from us obviously psyching themselves up for a drive by witty comment. After the third advance and retreat attempt one of them finally plucked up the courage to go for it, sauntered past us, poked Ant's cup and shouted "Fatty!". We were so disappointed
Apart from the kids it was actually quite a fun way to spend 4 hours out of the office. A lot of people would stop and share their stories of how breast cancer had affected them or their families. One little old lady of about 70 or so stopped to chat to me:
Sweet little old lady : "My daughter has just gone through this"
Me : "I'm sorry to hear that. How is she doing now?"
S.L.O.L : "OK at the moment. She has to take tamoxifen for 5 years or so and then go for more scans"
ME: "I hope she stays well"
S.L.OL : "She's just had a new replacement breast made"
ME: "Oh..."
S.L.O.L: "She paid extra for a nipple."
Me: "..."
We also got mooned by a sixth former on a school bus. Fun times.
Kwik Save makes me feel sad
Friday, September 29, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
But the Coke ads aren't even on yet!
Guess I'd better start shopping for presents as I only have three months left. Sigh.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Inappropriate word choices
All the best Hamster!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Could we not just get rid of Jerry Springer alltogether?
Damo would like it noted that it wasn't John Cleese but Terry Jones who actually wrote this.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
"Batches? We don't need no stinkin' batches!"
Emma wanted to know if I'd get a badge with the title. No I don't, but what I get is better than a badge! Here's a snippet of the e-mail that was sent to the department heads:
I'd like to engage one person from each of your areas, to act as the green champion for each part of the business. This group will be responsible for educating, policing and encouraging everyone around them to adopt a set of behaviours with the aim of reducing our waste and our energy usage by 25% on the previous year each quarter.
See...I get to be the Green Champion! I bet I get a cape.
Yes, I realise it's in the Daily Mail. Still a valid point.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Wow, that happened fast!
Chris : So, would you say you do your best to protect the environment and encourage others to do the same?
Me : Umm... I recycle...
Chris : Excellent. I'll nominate you to be the environmental monitor.
Me : Umm...
Friday, September 08, 2006
Culture shock
a) if there's a fire and we need to get out of the upstairs windows in a hurry we may be in a bit of trouble, particularly me with my back problem and mam with her cracked rib, and
b)we can't get a satellite tv signal.
That's right, I've been cut off from my brain rotting tv watching schedule. The only thing I watch during the day now is Neighbours. Gail is back! I'm expecting Jason and Kylie to rock up any day now.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Sarcastic? Moi?
You're Totally Sarcastic |
![]() You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny. Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it. And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad. |
Child abuse of a different flavour
Spinoff blog
random guy: ive got cam u?
me: I have one, not attached tho
random guy: atttach it
random guy: only take a few mins
me: no thanks
random guy: im not that bad
random guy: thanks
me: nothing personal!
random guy: yeh rite
random guy: what u look like
me: have a boyfriend and don't webcam other people
random guy: im married
Which part of this conversation is supposed to convince me? The married part or the "only take a few minutes" part?
I get enough of this kind of exchange that Damo reckons I should start a separate blog of "Oversexed idiot of the day". He may be on to something.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
...flights of crocodiles...
Friday, August 25, 2006
Bring back Nick and Jessica, all is forgiven
I have seldom wanted to hit anyone more than I want to hit the delightful teens who are the focus of the MTV show "My Super Sweet 16th". Basically, rich American 15 year olds attempt to bankrupt their billionaire parents by throwing lavish 16th birthday parties. Today's specimen was especially slap-worthy. Her party managed to incorporate
1) a Cinderella theme with the horse-drawn carriage and Prince Charming wearing, I kid you not, the same outfit as in the Disney cartoon,
2) Saturday Night Fever with dancers in the white suits, and
3) Dirty Dancing with that annoying song and the birthday girl getting lifted in the air at the end. I cannot stress how much I wanted her to get dropped during this move.
The thing that bothers me the most though is the fact that I can't stop watching! GAH!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Come on you Stutes!
Histon are off to a great start this season. Wonder who Damo's favourite player will be next match?
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Weird flower
At least I'm not watching terrestrial daytime TV
Pretty much existing on a diet of Stargate SG1, 8 Simple Rules and Home Improvement at the mo, thank god for abc1 and Sky One! Boo to the Sci Fi channel for canceling SG1 though! They'd better let them film a wrap up episode or a TV film or something to bring the Ori storyline to a conclusion. They can't leave Daniel as a Prior!
Guess they could move all the team to Atlantis...
Not long till the Fall season of shows starts in the US! New House and Veronica Mars episodes! WooHoooooooooo! No more West Wing though *sniff*. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip looks good, now all they need to do is write Richard Schiff and Allison Janney in as series regulars and I'll be a happy bunny.
Baby's first steps
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
role reversal
Me : I don't want to go shopping, I want to go to the football match!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Smoke signals?
Trying to organise a few days in Dublin at Damien's parents house and a long weekend with Chris, Ryan and Martin. Ryan and Emma have decided to emigrate to Canada later this year so it would be good for us to catch up with them before they go off to commune with mooses. We also want to get to them before they start talking only in French.
The fact that Damo and I are far too lazy and too good at procrastinating to decide on dates to go to Ireland is enough of a hurdle. Throw in the juggling of 7 people's schedules and it gets messy very quickly.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
No random sparks please
No explosions though and it's all gone now. Can't have turned the grill off properly after Damo and I made garlic and ginger pork chops. Food was very tasty though, must make it again sometime. Without the gas course obviously.
Now watching "The Doctor Dances" again. Hee! He's totally sonic'ed up. Only a couple of months til Torchwood starts up. Yay!
Currently reading : Ffawd Cywilydd a Chelwyddau - Llwyd Owen and American Gods - Neil Gaiman.
Currently listening to : "Are you my mummy?".